
「现场」Disturbed -- 2008现场演唱会


「现场」Disturbed -- 2008现场演唱会

Intro: 由光头大汉David Draiman,发色最多变,脸上穿洞也最多的吉他手Dan Donegan,从小到大死都要留长发的贝斯手Fuzz及胡子可以跟Fuzz头发比长的鼓手Mike Wengren等四人合组之团Disturbed(骚动乐团),他们的音乐除了具有强而有力的音乐节拍,超高分贝却不失旋律性的流畅度外,主唱Daivd 独特的唱腔,更是让Disturbed 有着深刻印象且加分表现的优质Nu-Metal团,David时而平缓,时而嘶吼,时而失控的神经质演唱方式,一一将他们所阐释愤怒、不平、黑暗、阴沉等事物,藉由声音的表现,完全的让听者无须经由了解歌词,即能确切的感受出来,不时鸡皮疙瘩掉满地,他们更不想做一个“公式化”的摇滚乐团,取截Old School的元素在他们摇滚之音中,让Disturbed也相当自信的说“我们不认为有其它的乐团听起来跟我们一样。”
来自芝加哥的超级摇滚乐团Disturbed,自1997年成军以来,便将90年代Nu-Metal乐派的那份狂妄与霸气,藉由四位各具独特风格的形象,以及各司其职的优异表现,将怒金属之音发挥的淋漓尽致,并快速的掠获唱片公司的青睐,接连推出多白金专辑「The Sickness」(2000)与冠军百万大碟「Believe」(2002),出道短短的一年间挤身各大摇滚音乐祭主舞台现场,演出令台下大呼过瘾的数首排行佳作。不主乐迷长久等待的Disturbed,推出一张名为「Music As A Weapon」之摇滚祭典现场录音实记,感受一下Disturbed惊人的舞台爆发力!并不忘提携后进新生代三组乐团Taproot、Unloco及 Chevelle齐唱共乐!
在2002年,在Disturbed发行了大获成功的专辑《Believe》之后,这支来自美国芝加哥的另类重金属乐队开始被广大金属迷所熟知。而乐队的成名作《Believe》也以发行首周28万4千张的销量成为Disturbed的首张冠军专辑。在经过了三年的等待之后,那个高亢有力,保留着传统重金属特色并将其发扬光大的Disturbed终于带着最新专辑《Ten Thousand Fists》宣告复出。在美国,《Ten Thousand Fists》专辑发行首周便以23万9千张的高销量力压美国另一支似乎更加大牌的乐队邦·乔维(Bon Jovi)以“笑脸”相迎的新专辑《Have a Nice Day》,荣获10月的Billboard专辑榜的冠军。

David Draiman - Vocals (1996-present)
Dan Donegan - Guitarist (1996-present)
John Moyer - Bass (2004-present)
Mike Wengren - Drums (1996-present)
Steve "Fuzz" Kmak - Bass (1996-2003)

本张专辑是Disturbed的第四张专辑,其中,Inside The Fire获Grammy奖提名

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「Track List」

1. Indestructible – 4:38
2. Inside the Fire – 3:52
3. Deceiver – 3:49
4. The Night – 4:46
5. Perfect Insanity – 3:57
6. Haunted – 4:42
7. Enough – 4:20
8. The Curse – 3:25
9. Torn – 4:09
10. Criminal – 4:16
11. Divide – 3:36
12. Façade – 3:45


01.Perfect Insanity
03.Just Stop
06.Ten Thousand Fists
07.The Game
08.Inside The Fire(First Realse)
10.Down With The Sickness


what has come over me
what madness taken hold of my heart
to run away, the only answer
pulling me away
to run upon my sight
so now recovering
sweet shadow taking hold of my mind
another day has been devoured
calling me away, bringing the question
for saving me from all they've taken
let my honor fall again
giving me the strength to face them
feeling it taking over now
i'm about to take it all away
there can be no better way of knowing
in a world beyond controlling
are you going to deny the savior
in front of your eyes
stare into the night
power beyond containing
are you going to remain a slave for
the rest of your life
give into the night
this self discovery
redemption taking hold of my mind
this serenade of haunting voices
calling me away
to piece from the sight
so much felicity
downgrade and taking hold of my head
leading me away from hibernation
strong and i'm afraid
remember the question why
i'm about to take it away
give in to the night
give into the night

「MV Audition: The night 」

「Live Audition: Disturbed(骚动乐队)2008现场演唱会」

「Album Download: 《Indestructible》[APE]」

「Album Download: 《Indestructible》[MP3]」


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